A Common Leopard Killed in Galliyat
Another Leopard is killed in Gallyat by a local herder. As per News published in Daily Shamal (Abbottabad) Dated 15Th April. a local herder killed a leopard, which attacked his goats in Gallyat.
If we see the figures and reports of the last two years more than 20 leopards are killed/captured. The one couple requires about an area of 50Km, and considering the whole area of Gallyat, Muree, Margalla Hills
and other parts of Haripur/Abbottabad there is not enough space of hundreds of leopards.
Keeping in view the ground realities one can easily guess that hardly a few leopards are left behind in the region. Which are also under threats and need immediate attention/protection, which is not possible in present circumstances. It seems that we may not find this beautiful cat in this region after a couple of years.
Dubran Welfare & Conservation Society
NWFP Wildlife dept recovers three leopard cubs
The News
PESHAWAR: The NWFP Wildlife department has recovered three leopard cubs from the residents of Abbottabad and Haripur districts and was trying to reunite them with their mothers.
A cub was recovered from the Bagh village of Abbottabad and the other two from the Narah village of Haripur, said the chief conservator NWFP Wildlife department, Dr Mumtaz Malik, while talking to the news agency here on Monday.
He said the Wildlife department officials received reports about possession of leopard cubs with some local people and took them into their custody. The cubs, he said, were very young and their survival without their mothers seems to be very difficult and the Wildlife department officials were feeding them milk with feeders, said Dr Mumtaz Malik.
The chief conservator said he has directed the department to reunite these cubs with their mothers to ensure their survival and help them live in their natural habitat. Dr Malik said that usually leopard left their cubs when the mother runs away due to some fear. In most of the cases, he continued, the cubs chase their mother and join her. He said the department has recently handed over a leopard to the Karachi Safari Park.
Baby leopard caught by villagers
Dawn, By Our Correspondent