Common Leopard

Baby leopard caught by villagers
Dawn, By Our Correspondent

ABBOTTABAD, Jan 27: Villagers of Bagh in Galyat caught a two-month-old leopard on Wednesday evening and handed it over to wildlife officials.

Villager Sudheer Abbasi while on his way home in Bagh when he was attacked by the baby leopard. He quickly covered the animal with his shawl and with the help of two other villagers caught it.

Last year at least nine people were attacked and killed by leopards in Galyat.

The wildlife department with the help of local police had killed two leopards to save the lives of people of the area. One leopard was also caught in the area which was recently gifted to the Karachi city government.

According to wildlife staff, it was still undecided what to do with the baby leopard. A number of requests from various zoos of the country were lying pending for such animals with the wildlife department.

One thought on “Common Leopard”
  1. leopard are still there and every month they injured many people especially women in galiyat, gda and forest deptt must provide food at forest to protect the local peoples

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